Back to agenda Food and gastronomy a pending subject in education Tue 17 Sep | 15:30 - 16:15 Premium VIP Pass In this round table, we will discuss the relevance and benefits of integrating a subject dedicated to gastronomy, dietetics, cooking, and health into the school curriculum. Chefs, producers, and trainers have much to say. With the perspective of chefs, we will share how culinary skills can foster creativity and environmental awareness. We will argue the need to teach nutritional and dietary principles from an early age to promote healthy lifestyles. From the producer’s viewpoint, we will discuss the importance of understanding the origin of food and how education about the food supply chain can strengthen the local economy and sustainability. Speakers Mariela Pérez Ramona la Boutique de la Empanada Diego Granado General Secretary Ecovalia Ricardo Fernandez Cooking and Pastry Teacher. Sustainability and Agenda 2030 Manager CIPF Carlos Oroza Loli Rincon Chef Restaurante Manolo Mayo Moderators Iñaki Echeveste Director Escuela Hosteleria de Sevilla